He instalado los addons de tvalacarta, pelisalacarta y mywebtv en XBMC 10 en un PC con debian squeeze. Los dos primeros funcionan perfectamente, pero mywebtv no logra cargar ningún canal.
No sé si es el mismo error del post más abajo de Nov. 2012.. pero por si acaso...
Da un error en el script.
Dejo aquí las líneas relevantes del log:
9:34:00 T:139969705219840 M:3556462592 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
19:34:00 T:139969705219840 M:3556462592 NOTICE: [config.py] xbmcdharma config
19:34:00 T:139969705219840 M:3556462592 NOTICE: [config.py] runtime path = /home/jjimenez/.xbmc/addons/plugin.video.pelisalacarta
19:34:00 T:139969705219840 M:3556462592 NOTICE: [config.py] data path = /home/jjimenez/.xbmc/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.pelisalacarta/
19:34:00 T:139969705219840 M:3556462592 NOTICE: [config.py] temp path = /home/jjimenez/.xbmc/temp/test
19:34:00 T:139969705219840 M:3556462592 NOTICE: [default.py] mywebtv init...
19:34:00 T:139969705219840 M:3556462592 NOTICE: [mywebtv.py] run
19:34:00 T:139969705219840 M:3556462592 NOTICE: [mywebtv.py] sys.argv=['plugin://plugin.video.mywebtv/', '0', '?channel=simpletv&action=mainlist&categor
19:34:00 T:139969705219840 M:3556462592 NOTICE: get_params
19:34:00 T:139969705219840 M:3556462592 NOTICE: get_params ?channel=simpletv&action=mainlist&category=SimpleTV
19:34:00 T:139969705219840 M:3556462592 NOTICE: get_params command=channel=simpletv
19:34:00 T:139969705219840 M:3556462592 NOTICE: get_params command=action=mainlist
19:34:00 T:139969705219840 M:3556462592 NOTICE: get_params command=category=SimpleTV
19:34:00 T:139969705219840 M:3556462592 NOTICE: get_params {'action': 'mainlist', 'category': 'SimpleTV', 'channel': 'simpletv'}
19:34:00 T:139969705219840 M:3556462592 NOTICE: [mywebtv.py] params={'action': 'mainlist', 'category': 'SimpleTV', 'channel': 'simpletv'}
19:34:00 T:139969705219840 M:3556462592 NOTICE: [mywebtv.py] url=
19:34:00 T:139969705219840 M:3556462592 NOTICE: [mywebtv.py] action=mainlist
19:34:00 T:139969705219840 M:3556462592 NOTICE: [mywebtv.py] category=SimpleTV
19:34:00 T:139969705219840 M:3556462592 ERROR: Error Type: <type 'exceptions.ImportError'>
19:34:00 T:139969705219840 M:3556462592 ERROR: Error Contents: cannot import name simpletv
19:34:00 T:139969705219840 M:3556462592 ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jjimenez/.xbmc/addons/plugin.video.mywebtv/default.py", line 28, in <module>
File "/home/jjimenez/.xbmc/addons/plugin.video.mywebtv/mywebtv.py", line 93, in run
exec "from lib import "+params.get("channel")+" as plugin"
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: cannot import name simpletv
19:34:00 T:139970306177088 M:3556462592 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://plugin.video.mywebtv/?channel=simpletv&action=mainlist&category=Si
19:34:00 T:139970306177088 M:3556462592 ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.video.mywebtv/?channel=simpletv&action=mainlist&category=S
impleTV) failed
19:34:00 T:139969713612544 M:3556687872 WARNING: FillBuffer: curl failed with code 22
19:34:00 T:139969713612544 M:3556687872 ERROR: CFileCurl::CReadState::Open, didn't get any data from stream.
19:34:00 T:139969713612544 M:3556687872 WARNING: FillBuffer: curl failed with code 22
19:34:00 T:139969713612544 M:3556687872 ERROR: CFileCurl::CReadState::Open, didn't get any data from stream.
19:34:00 T:139969713612544 M:3556687872 WARNING: FillBuffer: curl failed with code 22
19:34:00 T:139969713612544 M:3556687872 ERROR: CFileCurl::CReadState::Open, didn't get any data from stream.
19:34:00 T:139969713612544 M:3556503552 WARNING: FillBuffer: curl failed with code 22
19:34:00 T:139969713612544 M:3556503552 ERROR: CFileCurl::CReadState::Open, didn't get any data from stream.
19:34:01 T:139969713612544 M:3556503552 WARNING: FillBuffer: curl failed with code 22
19:34:01 T:139969713612544 M:3556503552 ERROR: CFileCurl::CReadState::Open, didn't get any data from stream.
19:34:01 T:139969713612544 M:3556503552 WARNING: FillBuffer: curl failed with code 22
19:34:01 T:139969713612544 M:3556503552 ERROR: CFileCurl::CReadState::Open, didn't get any data from stream.
19:34:12 T:139970306177088 M:3535556608 NOTICE: Storing total System Uptime
Y gracias de antemano por la ayuda..